Luaran Publikasi yang dihasilkan Mahasiswa MTI dari: seminar nasional, seminar internasional, jurnal nasional terakreditasi, internasional, dan internasional bereputasi. Berikut beberapa jurnal-jural mahasiswa MTI.
No | Judul | Nama Jurnal, Vol dan tahun | Jenis Publikasi |
1 | Improving the quality of IndiHome services using six sigma DMAIC method: Case in industrial area | International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Singapore, 7-12 March, 2021 | Seminar Internasional |
2 | Critical Success Factors of Asset Management Software Implementation in Construction Indonesia | Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021 Industrial Engineering and Operations | Seminar Internasional |
3 | A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization | International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021 | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi |
4 | Consistency of DMAIC Phases Implementation On Six Sigma Method In Manufacturing And Service Industry: A Literature Review | Management and Production Engineering Review | Vol: 11 | Issue : 4 | 2020-12-01 | PP34-35 Journal | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi |
5 | Quality Improvement of The E-Commerce Website Using Integration of Kano Model-IPAWITH QFD Approach | Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications Vol. 4, Issue 3, 22 September 2021, pp. 1-20 | Jurnal Internasional |
6 | Analisis Kelayakan Investasi PerusahaanIndustri Jasa Freight Forwarding Menggunakan Ekonomi Teknik | 3rd Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering-MBCIE 2021 “Research Development based on Literature Review” | Seminar Nasional |
7 | Improving Curing Process Productivity in The Tire Industry Using OEE, TPM, and FMEA Methods | Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Hal 6709-6715 Singapore, March 7-11, 2021 | Seminar Internasional |
8 | Lean Six Sigma Model For Pharmacy Manufacturing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 8, Aug-Sep 2020 Hal 304-313 | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi |
9 | A Systematic Literature Review of Overall Equipment Efectiveness Implementation in ASIA | Journal of Industrial & Quality Engineering Vol. 9 No. 1 Februari 2021 Hal 109-117 | Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi |
10 | Defect reduction of roof panel part in the export delivery process using the DMAIC method: a case study | Jurnal Sistem dan Manajemen Industri Vol. 4 No. 2 December 2020 Hal 108-116 | Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi |
11 | Value Stream Mapping: Literature Review and Implications for Service Industry | Jurnal SIstem Teknik Industri (JSTI) Vol. 23, No. 2, 2021 Hal 155 – 166 | Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi |
12 | A Review Paper of Six Sigma Approaches in United States (US) Industries | 3rd Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering-MBCIE 2021“Research Development Based on Literature Review” Hal 242-250 | Seminar Nasional |
13 | Penerapan p-Median terhadap optimasi alokasi dan lokasi distribution center pada Sistem Logistik Pedesaan di Indonesia: Studi kasus | Operations Excellence: Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering 2021, 13(2) Hal 215-222 | Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi |
14 | Minimize Conveyor Belt Damage In Coal-Fired Power Plants Using SEM-PLS and FMEA Methods | Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils,2021; 8(4): Hal 1283-1289 | Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi |
15 | Analisa Risiko Rantai Pasok Pabrik Kosmetik Sistem Make to Order Dengan Metode House of Risk | O p e r a t i o n s E x c e l l e n c e, 2020, 12(3) Hal 273-282 | Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi |